Apodi is a fast growing intelligent business with people at the heart of it. Here we share some information and case studies about what it is like working at Apodi.
At Apodi we take recruitment seriously. we want potential employees to make fully informed decisions to join us. “Working at Apodi” gives an overview of our culture and values and what benefits an employee receives.
In this case study we feature Laura Spink who works for Apodi as a Nurse Specialist and Nurse Manager.
Ravinder Bharma who works with us in the healthcare team, tell us what its like to work as a project coordinator.
The role of Nurse Project Manager is a varied role, often involving a number of projects and nurses. We ask Chris Collier what her role is within Apodi.
Ian Williamson joined Apodi recently as Family Liaison Nurse, following a successful career in the NHS and RAF.
Our other services
Apodi are industry specialists in providing practical and commercial HR, training and development support.
We help clients drive access to their medicines and services and tranform patient lives.